Jones O'Brien

One family's adventures learning how to live in a new place!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Best Wishes for a Happy and Peaceful New Year to any who visit here!

We went to England for a week over Christmas. We stayed in the nice B&B in the village, Harmondsworth Hall, in a great big family room (not illustrated here).

We arrived late on Wednesday evening, and after a good night's sleep, a hearty breakfast, and a visit with the O'Briens, we went to Windsor where we visited the castle. Luckily the Queen wasn't home so we could see the place, which is not to shabby for a big house in the countryside.

That evening we went back to Windsor to see the Pantomime (Beauty and the Beast) at the Theater Royal. (Coincidentally, we noticed that Isaac and Rose's aunt Anita Graham is performing in a play in the same theater in February.) The panto. was fun, and even kept Charlotte's' interest for more than two hours.

On Friday we went back to Windsor yet again(!) to go ice skating with Adam.

In the afternoon we visited Charlotte's Great Grandmother (Lesley's mother) Olive in Hayes
. Four generations of female Reynolds's!

Saturday was Christmas. Father Christmas appeared at both Harmondsworth Hall and at the O'Brien's house.

Apparently Father Christmas had heard Patrick's request for an airplane THAT FLIES

Charlotte also enjoyed the maiden flight and the crispy cold air out in the playing field behind the primary school!

Here we are at Buckingham Palace. We rang the bell, but no one was home here either!

It was a lovely visit all around!


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