Jones O'Brien

One family's adventures learning how to live in a new place!

Friday, August 26, 2005

For the third time since we arrived here in late June, it rained. Thunder, lightening and a torrential downpour this afternoon - exactly like the other two times. It is refreshing and very pleasant out in the garden, though still pretty warm.

This is a view of the New Wing which seems to tower above the garden.

And these are views of the garden. I'm told this was the olive grove of the monastery just around the corner, expropriated by the Gereek goverment for the American School about 1885. I guess then that these trees are pretty old.

The areal photo below shows the school at the center, sharing a compound with the British School and a tennis court and garden. You can click on the photo for a bigger and more visible image.

Just to the north west of the school is a street diagonal to the grid. This is Xenokratous, where we live this summer at the square at the northeastern teminus of the street.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck & Alex!

Just a note to say congratulations on the move, and, my God, what a lovely place you've found yourselves in. Reserve me the Ucker Bunk. My own blog is in the works, beware!

Fri Aug 26, 05:08:00 PM GMT+3  

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